sallust catilina übersetzung 9

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But some of [the slaves] stupidly trusted in the forces which were coming to join them and in their own fierce courage; others [dishonourably] neglected their country of origin; and most, with [the true character] of slaves, [sought nothing] but plundering and savagery . . On the other hand, if you are on your guard, I fear that you may be more occupied in avoiding danger than in taking vengeance. Most covetous of private friendships, I have incurred the bitterest public enmities for my country. [2.59] {2.70M}   L  #  Metellus withdrew into Further Spain at the end of the year, with great glory. 25 I have therefore said enough; for it is not through ignorance that the matter halts, 26 but a kind of lethargy has laid hold upon you, because of which neither glory nor disgrace moves you. But in fact it is the very greatest of his crimes that neither I nor anyone else would have been safe if we did what was right. 21 Following their usual custom, they will destroy everything or perish in the attempt . }, who were greatly agitated by Pompeius' letters and messages, both because of the interests of the state and because they feared that, if he led his army into Italy, they would have neither glory nor position, used every means to provide him with money and reinforcements. 11 For what else is left us? The young men were so corrupted by luxury and wealth that it could justly be said, that they were men who could neither maintain their own family possessions, or allow others to do so. 15 Then when I had raised a new army at Cabeira and engaged with Lucullus with varying success, scarcity once more attacked us both. 6 You have elected us to the consulship, Romans, at a time when our country, is in dire straits at home and abroad; for our generals in Spain are calling for money, men, arms, and supplies - and they are forced to do so by circumstances, since the defection of our allies and the retreat of Sertorius over the mountains prevent them from either contending in battle or providing for their necessities. Are you not ashamed either before men or before the gods, whom you have insulted by your perfidy or perjury? 5 In fact, the Romans have one inveterate motive for making war upon all nations, peoples and kings; namely, a deep-seated desire for dominion and for riches. 11 But I took vengeance for the wrongs inflicted upon me; I drove Nicomedes from Bithynia, recovered Asia, the spoil taken from king Antiochus, and delivered Greece from cruel servitude. [2.69] {2.87M}   L  #  . 6 Nay, he alone of all within the memory of man has devised punishment for those yet unborn, who are thus assured of outrage before they are of life. . Gain the protection of Cethegus and the other traitors, who are eager to renew the reign of pillage and fire and once more to arm their hands against our country's gods. . to prepare everything for the attack. But . [2.76] {2.93M}   L  [The townsfolk promised . He took great pride in this disfigurement of his body, and was not ashamed of his wounds, because they showed how gloriously he had preserved the rest of his body. This pdf includes the 121-page commentary with introduction and glossary. Stung by these [taunts], the young men ignored the decrees of their elders . since you cannot be safe and fully protected under Sulla's dominion, unless Vettius of Picenum and the clerk Cornelius may squander the goods which others have honestly acquired; unless you all approve the proscription of innocent men because of their wealth, the tortures of distinguished citizens, a city depopulated by exile and murder, the goods of wretched citizens sold or given away as if they were the spoils of the Cimbri. 12 Further progress was frustrated by Archelaus, basest of slaves, who betrayed my army; and those whom cowardice or misplaced cunning kept from taking up arms, since they hoped to find safety in my misfortunes, are suffering most cruel punishment. 19 #  But perhaps your services have been paid for by that hastily enacted law for the distribution of grain, a law by which they have valued all your liberties at five modii per man, an allowance actually not much greater than the rations of a prison. The feasts were most exotic, with many kinds of birds and animals which were previously unknown, brought not only from throughout the province, but over the sea from Mauretania. 2 For even though you may detest war and arms, yet you must take them up because it is the will of Lepidus, unless perhaps anyone is disposed to grant him peace and at the same time to suffer war. You, meanwhile, muttering and shrinking, trusting to the predictions and incantations of soothsayers, pray rather than fight for peace, and you do not realise that by your irresolute decrees you are losing your prestige, he his fear. . 5 For such favours I should seem hardly grateful enough if I could give my life for each one of you. seine Feinde wurden auf 10 Or are you waiting for Lepidus to come again with an army and enter our city with fire and sword? it is uncertain whether . 22 Therefore this is my recommendation: whereas Marcus Lepidus, in defiance of the authority of this body and in concert with the worst enemies of their country, is leading against this city an army raised on his own authority, therefore be it resolved that Appius Claudius the interrex, with Quintus Catulus, the proconsul and others who have military power, shall defend the city and see to it that no harm come to our country. . [4.67] {4.69M}   { The letter of Mithridates to Arsaces: }   L  #  King Mithridates, to King Arsaces, Greeting. But, by Heaven! und war römischer Geschichtenschreiber und Politiker. do you think that I can play the part of a treasury or maintain an army without food or pay? If they persist in refusing this, I do not advise war or secession, but merely that you should refuse any longer to shed your blood for them. His quaestor C. Urbinus and some others recognised what he wanted, and whenever they invited him to dinner, they were more lavish than is usual for Romans or indeed for any mortal. Es ist ebenfalls nicht gestattet die Übersetzungen an anderer Stelle zu veröffentlichen. Then Pompeius [advanced] with his army in a square formation . 12 A great part of our allies and of the people of Latium to whom you gave citizenship in return for distinguished services are robbed of it by one man, while a few of his minions, as a recompense for their crimes, have seized upon the ancestral homes of the guiltless commons. And they were aided especially by the nobles, the greater number of whom were already giving expression to their confidence and adapting their conduct to their words. [1.8] {1.7M}   L  The first discord among us arose from the failings of the human character, which is restless and untameable in its struggle for freedom, or glory, or power. Then he advised them to go off into more open countryside, richer in cattle, where they could increase their numbers with picked men, before Varinius returned with a new army. They chased the consuls to the house of Octavius, which was nearer . . The Corsicans say that the Balari were refugees from Pallantia, others that they were Numidians, and some think that they were Spaniards from the army of the Carthaginians. A few influential men, who had gained the support of the majority, sought absolute power, on the specious pretext of defending the nobles or the plebs. 27 Yet even these privileges are denied to the country people, who are cut down in the quarrels of the great, and sent to the provinces as gifts to the magistrates. . # Unless perhaps it was from another motive than fear that Gaius Cotta, a consul chosen from the heart of the aristocratic party, restored some of their rights to the people's tribunes. From dread of a similar fate, envoys soon arrived from Isaura Nova to seek peace; they promised to give hostages and to obey all commands. 18 Let them hold their offices and administer them in their own way, let them seek triumphs, let them lead their ancestral portraits, against Mithridates, Sertorius, and what is left of the exiles, but let those who have no share in the profits be free also from dangers and toil. . 18 In truth, whoever says that he hates disturbance and the death of citizens, and therefore keeps you unarmed while Lepidus is in arms, is in reality advising you to suffer what the conquered must endure, when you might yourselves visit it upon others. After they arrived in the territory of the Aresinarii with the entire fleet of warships, which had either been repaired or had not [been damaged in the storms] . Then, having forged an unnatural will, they led his son Aristonicus in triumph like an enemy, because he had tried to recover his father's realm. 3 Glorious scions of the Bruti, Aemilii, and Lutatii, born to overthrow what their ancestors won by their prowess! . 2 If it were possible for you to enjoy lasting peace, if no treacherous foes were near your borders, if to crush the Roman power would not bring you glorious fame, I should not venture to sue for your alliance, and it would be vain for me to hope to unite my misfortunes with your prosperity. 2 As to his satellites, I cannot sufficiently wonder that men bearing great names, made great by the deeds of distinguished ancestors, are willing to purchase dominion over you with their own slavery, and prefer these two things joined with injustice to living free with the best of right. Or if you prefer liberty and justice, pass decrees worthy of your reputation, and thus increase the courage of your brave defenders. . Then they took up arms and seized the Mons Sacer and the Aventine; as a result, they were given tribunes of the plebs, and other rights. Then he sent ahead his legate Manius with the cavalry and some of the warships, and advanced to the island [(?) But then at last the Romans threw down stones, javelins and stakes at them from above, and drove back many of them as they almost reached the top, by blows at close range or any other means. that if they were spared a siege, they would in a few days' time agree to enter into an alliance; previously they had hesitated whether to join him or Pompeius, because of the fluctuating peace. Free delivery on qualified orders. [2.75] {2.92M}   L  [Their mothers] used to remind the men of their parents' warlike achievements, whenever they went out to war or on raids, and they celebrated their ancestors' brave deeds. Furthermore, old age, which is in itself an affliction, redoubles my anxiety, since it is my wretched lot, when near the end of life, not even to be able to hope for an honourable death. . 2 Was it with such expectations that the Roman people sent its sons to war? . abandoned] the elevated place which he had defended with a double battle-line, after his soldiers suffered many casualties. The Terentuni were summoned, and they discussed whether to advance against Sertorius. Its main topic is the transmission history of the various medieval manuscripts (chapter 2: 27-110) and printed editions (chapter 3: 111-149) of Pseudo-Sallust’s invective against Cicero and Pseudo-Cicero’s invective against Sallust. He fears peace, hates war; he sees that he must sacrifice luxury and licence, and meanwhile he takes advantage of your indolence. I have not practised a calculating eloquence or used my talents for evil-doing. Berücksichtigen Sie dabei bitte besonders die Gesichtspunkte Inhalt und Struktur, Sprache, Stil, Form sowie Gattung und Motivgeschichte: 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Ubi vos separatim sibi quisque consilium capitis, ubi domi voluptatibus, hic pecuniae Although they have not survived intact, about five hundred fragments have been preserved in excerpts or quotations by later writers. 4 For Tigranes is at your mercy and will accept an alliance on any terms which you may desire, while so far as I am concerned, although Fortune has deprived me of much, she has bestowed upon me the experience necessary for giving good advice; and since I am no longer at the height of my power, I shall serve as an example of how you may conduct your own affairs with more prudence, a lesson highly advantageous to the prosperous. ., who was in command of the army, sent a legion although he despised his foolishness; and that was considered a sign of his own wisdom. or if it is a sign of their adopted nationality. 18 Sulla blames me for having possessions which are derived from the goods of the proscribed. In addition, [disputes arose] between the different classes [during this year]. # He made a valuable contribution to the Marsic war by providing soldiers and weapons. Nothing was sacred or inviolable to these men, who had the savagery of barbarians and the temperament of slaves. [ 5 lines missing ] . They can be recognised by their clothes, their demeanour and their beards. That they have possessed nothing since the beginning of their existence except what they have stolen: their home, their wives, their lands, their empire? Thus the condition of my army and of that of the enemy is the same; 7 for neither is paid and either can march victorious into Italy. Citizens were not called "good" or "bad" according to their public conduct, because in that respect they were all equally corrupt; but those who were wealthiest, and most able to inflict harm, were considered "good" because they defended the existing state of affairs. [1.12] {1.12M}   L  #  When the threat from Carthage had been removed, they were free to resume their quarrels. 4 And naturally enough, for since his robberies have made him consul, his acts of sedition have given him a province and an army, what might he not have gained by good conduct, when you have rewarded his crimes so generously? and at the same time the concern . Neither the provinces, nor the laws, nor your country's gods tolerate you as a citizen. . ); London, Harvard Oct 1th, 2020 UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES FACULTAD DE FILOSOFIA Y LETRAS 6 Therefore they have now, one and all, submitted to the mastery of a few men, who, under the pretext of carrying on a war, have taken possession of the treasury, the armies, the kingdoms and the provinces. Sallustius Sallust history geschiedenis Catilina Iugurtha. [1.98] {1.107M}   L  Throughout the province there were great and terrible rumours, as everyone in their fright imagined that there were fifty thousand or more of the enemy, monsters of immense size brought in from the edges of the ocean, who fed on human flesh. . De coniuratione Catilinae: Die Verschwörung des Catilina [Sallust, Mohr, Michael] on HINWEIS: Alle Übersetzungen, die auf veröffentlicht wurden dürfen nicht als die eigenen ausgeben werden. Gaul last year supplied the army of Metellus with pay and provisions, but can now scarcely keep itself alive because of a failure of the crops; I myself have exhausted not only my means, but even my credit. But have your way! [3.6] {3.5M}   L  #  Antonius was having difficulty in driving the [Ligurian] forces away from the [ships], because weapons could be thrown through the narrow entrance; and Mamercus could not safely pursue the enemy [ships], who were on the right of the allied fleet, in the open sea during the summer calm. . At this, the young men, at first following a set plan but then wherever they happened to be, staged noisy protests throughout the city, proclaiming that they would never hand over their weapons and allies, while there was still breath in their bodies. . 15 mb, 6 x 9 in., 22Aug18) Above is a link to the 1st edition of Sallust's Bellum Catilinae. Conjuration De Catilina, La Guerre De Jugurtha, Fragments Des Histoires, Paris, Les Belles-Lettres, 2012.Nous Avons également Consulté L’édition De La Loeb Classical Library: Sallust I, The War With Catiline, The War With Jugurtha, Cambridge (Mass. 8 If such a state of affairs has been brought about by treason or negligence on our part, follow the promptings of your anger and inflict punishment upon us; but if fortune, which is common to all, frowns upon us, why do you resort to acts unworthy of you, of us, and of our country? . [4.1] {4.1M}   L  #  It is uncertain whether his colleague Cn. 4 For what did their forefathers defend against Pyrrhus, Hannibal, Philippus and Antiochus, if not our liberty and our own hearthstones, and our privilege of submitting to nothing but the laws? 24 There was once a time, fellow countrymen, when each of you citizens found protection in the many and not the community in one man, and when no single mortal was able to give or to take away such things from you. 6 For my own part, at the very outset, when I saw Etruria conspiring, the proscribed recalled, and the state rent asunder by bribery, I thought that there was no time to be lost and with a few others I followed the standard of Catulus. now and tormented those who remained in a shocking way with horrible wounds, and sometimes left their mutilated bodies still half alive. and then they would be cut off [during their journey] and wiped out . [1.1] {1.1M}   L  I have composed the history of the Roman people, including both military and domestic events, starting with the year when M.Lepidus and Q.Catulus were consuls {78 B.C.}. 26 For my own part, although by attaining this the highest of offices I had done enough to live up to the fame of my ancestors as well to secure my own dignity, and even my safety, yet it was not my intention to pursue my private interests, but I looked upon freedom united with danger as preferable to peace with slavery. But on the contrary, everything is in disorder as the result of civil dissensions, which are aroused by those whose duty it rather was to suppress them; and finally, the wise and good are forced to do what the worst and most foolish of men have resolved. 23 This is my advice and this course I urge you to follow; do not prefer by our ruin to put off your own for a time rather than by our alliance to conquer. 25 If this seems to you to be peace and order, show your approval of the utter demoralization and overthrow of the republic, bow to the laws which have been imposed upon you, accept a peace combined with servitude and teach future generations how to run their country at the price of their own blood. Buy Catilina by Sallust online on at best prices. [that they should] not, [wandering around] in the way that they were at that time . Catilina 26 Addeddate 2011-07-08 23:07:19 Call number   |   8 On the contrary, he has sunk so low that he thinks nothing glorious which is not safe, and regards every means of retaining his supremacy as honourable. Varinius sent his quaestor C. Thoranius to Rome, so that they could easily learn the real state of affairs from him there. Wenn du die Website weiter nutzt, gehen wir von deinem Einverständnis aus. 7 At that time, however, Lepidus was a mere brigand at the head of a few camp-followers and cut-throats, any one of whom would have sold his life for a day's wages; now he is a proconsul with military power which he did not buy, but which you gave him, with subordinates who are still bound by law to obey him; the most vicious characters of every class flock to his standard, inflamed by poverty and greed, driven on by the consciousness of their crimes, men who find repose in discord, disquiet in time of peace. Thus they fight and conquer for the benefit of a few, but whatever happens, the commons are treated as vanquished; and this will be more so every day, so long as your oppressors make greater efforts to retain their mastery than you do to regain your freedom. 19 But you, who possess Seleuceia, greatest of cities, and the realm of Persis famed for its riches, what can you expect from them other than guile in the present and war in the future? They decorated their houses with tapestries and statues, and built stages so that actors could perform upon them. Deutsche Übersetzungen von Sallust und die zugehörigen Texte auf [3.66] {3.98M}   L  #  . Nostri consocii ( Google , Affilinet ) suas vias sequuntur: Google, ut intentionaliter te proprium compellet, modo ac ratione conquirit, quae sint tibi cordi. But Varinius, when it was now fully light, noticed the absence of the slaves' usual taunts, of the showers of stones thrown into the camp, and of the shouts and din of men [rushing all around]. Sallust’s character analysis of Caesar and Cato Minor 95 Execution of the conspirators, Dec. 5: ad Baculum Argumentum. [2.42] {2.45M}   L  . 27 If you are of the same mind, citizens of Rome, rouse yourselves and with the kindly aid of the gods follow Marcus Aemilius, your consul, who will be your leader and champion in recovering your freedom! . 12 As to your conduct, I lack sufficient wisdom to know whether to call it cowardice, weakness or madness, when each one of you seems to pray that the evils which threaten you like a thunderbolt may not touch him, and yet makes not the slightest effort to prevent them. 14 What are you waiting for, unless perhaps you are ashamed or weary of doing right? 19 If this is your intention, if such torpor has stolen upon your spirits that forgetting the crimes of Cinna, upon whose return to our city the flower of this order perished, you will nevertheless entrust yourselves, your wives, and your children to Lepidus, what need is there of decrees? But [the slaves] were almost at blows with each other, because they could not agree on a plan of action; Crixus and his fellow Gauls and Germans wanted to go out to confront [the Romans] and offer battle, while Spartacus [argued against attacking them]. . He proposed a law to reclaim the money, which Sulla had remitted to those who bought the possessions {of proscribed men}. 7 Next Perseus, the son of Philippus, after many battles with varying results, was formally taken under their protection before the gods of Samothrace; and then those masters of craft and artists in treachery caused his death from want of sleep, since they had made a compact not to kill him.

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